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Viewing category: Buyer

Results: 280

/ by /Buyer

When is the most appropriate time to move to a new home. Now? Or at some distant point in the future? Or somewhere in between?

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

As exciting as a move to a new home can be, it’s also acknowledged as one of the most stressful events in your life. 

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

Are you worried whether your planned purchase is likely to be affected by a traffic management upgrade scheme? Or are you concerned about the proximit...

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/ by /Buyer, Seller

The phrase “artificial intelligence” can have the effect of instilling either real concern or frothing excitement depending on who you talk to.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase, Seller

New Digital Property Market Steering Group was formed earlier this year to drive the process of digital transformation for the property market.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

In simple terms, the right to light is a legal requirement for a homeowner to be able to access daylight that passes over someone else’s land.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

Some parents will find a school that they deem perfect for their child’s education, but recognize that they are not within the requisite catchment are...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

t has been a worrying week, as the extent of the problems with RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) have come to light, with more problems li...

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/ by /Buyer, Sale & Purchase, Seller

Exchange of contracts is when a property transaction becomes legally binding. Completion is when the transaction is finalised and the new owner gets t...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase, Seller

The form, as its name suggests, is simply a list of all the things that are going to remain in place or left behind by the seller upon completion of t...

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