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18 Jul, 2017/ by Homeward Legal /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Seller

What do you look for when you're house-hunting? The area and its amenities are just as important as the price, according to a new survey.

Miller Homes asked more than 700 people to reveal the most important elements to them about their future home and its neighbourhood as part of the housebuilder's Taken Care Of campaign.

The results demonstrate that it's not simply about the perfect des res and its price. Environment, schools, amenities and transport links were pinpointed as crucial for home buyers.

According to the survey, more than 60 percent of those quizzed said good amenities, such as shops, restaurants and leisure facilities, and off-road parking were the top things they looked for when searching for a new home.

Transport is the No.1 issue for those looking to buy in London, but those outside the capital are more concerned with ensuring they can park close to their home.

The top 10 factors across all those surveyed are:

  1. Good amenities
  2. Off-road parking
  3. Clean and attractive surroundings
  4. Low crime rate
  5. Access to transport links
  6. Proximity to work
  7. Good schools
  8. Close to family and friends
  9. Average house prices
  10. Rural aspect

The survey naturally also threw up some specific regional differences across the UK. For example, in the north-east, 67 percent of respondents said a clean and attractive area mattered most to them; in the south-west, 92 percent wanted good amenities; but in Yorkshire, the south-east, West Midlands and north-west, being able to park the car was the No.1 priority.

Builders must cater to house-hunters' needs

David Morgan, land director for Miller Homes, said: "When we built new developments, we often contribute to things like improvements in local transport links, schools, community centres and leisure facilities.

"What this study shows us is that by working hard to establish neighbourhoods that are well looked after, set in attractive surroundings and within easy access of good local amenities, we can ensure we're doing what we can to cater for the needs of the modern house hunter."

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