brick house view sun set

13 Sep, 2024/ by Homeward Legal /Buyer, First Time Buyer, News

When you're considering buying a new home, it's quite likely that you'll get together with the family or anyone else with whom you'll be sharing building when the project is done and dusted. You'll want to discuss key requirements and features that you don't want to compromise on.

It might be a downstairs toilet. Or perhaps you want an en suite bathroom off the main bedroom. Or is a large utility room off the kitchen a desirable requirement? Or maybe it's the number of reception rooms or bedrooms that are the necessity.

Or perhaps it's the type of property that's important. Do you want something small and manageable? Or would you rather something more spacious (both in terms of the building itself and the grounds)?

According to the latest Lloyds Bank Home Mover Review, you won't be alone if it's space (inside and out) that is your overriding requirement.

The drive for space

According to the Lloyds report:

  • 33% of all home purchases last year comprised detached homes
  • The averageage of home-movers was 40
  • The average sale price for a home was £392,107 (which is down by 6% on the same time last year)
  • The number of movers across the first half of the year was upby 10%

Statistics are easy to manipulate, but the message is that the number of those moving has gone up while the price has gone in the opposite direction. In addition, the largest rise in sales is in the detached home sector of the housing market.

Reading into this, it is clear that there is an increased drive for the space that is offered by such properties.

And with the increased popularity comes the usual market forces that will inevitably start playing on the price, starting an increase. So, if you are one of the third of home-movers who want to opt for the desirable detached homes in any particular area, you might want to think about moving now.

If you are wanting guidance on the conveyancing for buying a detached home - or any other property for that matter - you'll need the best, high-quality service at a competitive price.

That's where you can rely on the experts at Homeward Legal

They will start work on your planned purchase (and/or sale) as soon as you agree to the quotation and appoint them to represent you. 

Homeward Legal will also provide a quote that will not change - what you are quoted is what you pay for standard conveyancing process.

There are some unforeseen items that might arise during the purchase and/or sale, but the solicitor discusses these and their cost as they come up. 

In addition, to protect the homebuyer further, Homeward Legal operates a ‘no completion, no fee' promise, which ensures that, should the purchase or sale not go through as planned to completion status, no payment is required.

Call  to get your conveyancing quote started, or to discuss your concerns with your plans to move.

Or you can get a quick quote, using Homeward Legal's easy-to-use quote generator.

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